Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Slight Pains May Be Indications of Myositis

Do you often find trouble climbing the stairs, reaching up or standing from a seated position? Do you often feel general tiredness and fatigue even if have not done much strenuous activities yet?

Watch out! These indications may not be as normal as you think but may be symptoms that you have myositis.

Myositis is inflammation of the skeletal muscles, which are also called the voluntary muscles. These are the muscles a person consciously controls to help you move your body. An injury, infection or autoimmune disease can cause myositis.

Myositis is a term that describes several different illnesses, including polymyositis, dermatomyositis, inclusion body myositis as well as forms of myositis that occur in children (juvenile myositis). Myositis also can occur in people with other rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and scleroderma.

Although myositis can affect people of any age, most children who get the disease are between five and 15 years of age; most adults are between 30 and 60. Like many other inflammatory rheumatic diseases, most forms of myositis affect more women than men.

All forms of myositis involve chronic, or persistent, muscle inflammation. The inflammation most commonly affects muscles around the hips or shoulders, but can also occur in a single part of the body, such as one arm, one leg or just muscles that move the eye.

This almost always results in weakness, and less often in warmth, swelling and pain of the muscles. Myositis may be associated with inflammation in other organs, such as the joints, heart, lungs, intestines and skin.

The many forms of myositis begin and progress in different ways. In most people the illness develops slowly over a period of months or even years, but in some people problems can occur suddenly.

Many people with myositis learn ways of compensating as the disease begins and adjust so well that even they are not aware of the gradual progression of their disease for a long time.

The disease often appears to come (disease flare) and go (disease remission) for no apparent reason, and sometimes its form changes over time. Myositis flares usually are recognized by increasing symptoms of muscle weakness, fatigue, skin changes or arthritis.

Many forms of treatment for myositis exist. Most methods include medication, rest, exercise and physical therapy. Treatment will vary from person to person and will change over time for each individual.

Doctors recommend Soma for gnawing pain. Soma not only kills pain but also relaxes the muscles. Soma, available online at Online Pharmacy., is a trusted name in muscle problems. The specific therapy recommended by your doctor will depend upon the severity and type of problems, the presence of other medical conditions, and adverse reactions to previous therapy.

Doctors always advise patients to immediately seek medical attention if they feel any thing unusual with their health. Simple pains in various parts of the body may not be simple at all but are indications of more serious health conditions.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Healthy Work Habits Reduce Back Pain

Whether at home or at work, back pains are indeed annoying and bothersome.
Amid speculations that these are “part of daily life”, so many simple yet effective ways have been tried and tested to prevent the pain. Health experts advise, “understand what causes them and focus on prevention”.
Basically, researchers have established four work-related factors associated with increased risk of back pain and injury: force, repetition, posture and stress.
Exerting too much force on your back like frequently lifting or moving heavy objects may cause injury.
Repetitious tasks can lead to muscle fatigue and injury especially if they involve stretching to the end of your range of motion or awkward body positioning.
Position while sitting, standing or performing a task is important. Try to avoid one position for a long period of time. On average, your body can tolerate being in one position for about 20 minutes before you feel the need to adjust.
Pressures at work or at home can increase stress level and lead to muscle tension and tightness, which may in turn lead to back pain.
Prevention tips
“An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure” holds true in almost all medical conditions, doctors advise. Preventing back pain only requires a few “not-so-dramatic” changes and with regular practice, it will form part of your way of life.
If back pain continue to pester you, taking a muscle relaxant like Carisoprodol will be of great help. Carisoprodol, sold online through Online Drugstore Pharmacy., can be helpful when severe muscle spasms follow the start of low back pain.
On top of the list of prevention is being fit. A regular exercise maintains a healthy and sturdy back. Pay attention to posture, avoid slouching or standing with a swayback. A good posture relaxes the muscles and requires minimal effort to balance the body.
In lifting objects, keep the object close to the body and get some help if load is too heavy. Adjust your work space and adopt healthy working habits. Eliminate high-risk and repetitive movements. Change sitting or standing position every so often.
For women, try as much as possible to avoid using high-heeled shoes, these strains the lower back. And lastly, learn to manage stress. Stress has been a known culprit for a number of diseases including back pain. Relax and live a healthy life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pain Relievers...What Good Do They Have to a Stressful Society

In the early part of 1980, Time Magazine called stress “The Epidemic of the Eighties” saying that this is the leading health problem of society and government in this century. And more than twenty years later, the problem seems to have worsened. Stress has become a household word everyone must face and contend with.

Stress is a medical term for a wide range of strong external stimuli, both physiological and psychological, which can cause a physiological response called the general adaptation syndrome. There are two types of stress namely eustress, which is the so called "positive stress" and distress, the "negative stress". Roughly, these mean challenge and overload respectively.

Although a number of people refuse to accept they are beset with stress, it is a fact that everyone regardless of age, gender and status in society, are afflicted with stress at one time or another.

Stress takes some common symptoms including nervousness, rapid heart beat and dizziness. Sometimes, this would take the forms of panicky feelings, panic attacks, diarrhea and even stomach problems.

Medical experts have been moved to undergo further investigations on how to stop stress. However, as researches expanded, instead of finding means to stop stress, they discovered that stress has become a major cause of a number of ailments.

Researches divulged that stress at work has been linked with heart disease. It has been associated with loss of appetite, ulcers, mental disorder and migraines. Likewise stress has been said to cause difficulty in sleeping, emotional instability, disruption of social and family life. It was pointed to cause increased use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. Stress, they say, can also affect worker attitudes and behavior. Some frequently reported consequences of stress among hospital workers are difficulties in communicating with very ill patients, maintaining pleasant relations with coworkers, and judging the seriousness of a potential emergency.

Stress Brings Pain

With stress taking the helm of the most common causes of diseases, pain, on the other hand followed through. Of course, the ailment caused by stress goes hand in hand with pain. Thus pain relievers have become a must-have in any household.

At the strike of pain, these pills become the first recourse of sufferers. Experts say that despite its subjective quality, the experience of pain is both real and reverberating. As one writer describes it, pain is dehumanizing. The severer the pain, the more it overshadows the patient's intelligence.

All she or he can think about is pain: there is no past pain-free memory, no pain-free future, only the pain-filled present. Pain destroys autonomy: the patient is afraid to make the slightest movement. All choices are focused on either relieving the present pain or preventing greater future pain, and for this, one will sell one's soul.

Pain is humiliating: it destroys all sense of self-esteem accompanied by feelings of helplessness in the grip of pain, dependency on drugs, and being a burden to others. In its extreme, pain destroys the soul itself and all will to live.

Pain Impact

Pain is more than physical. Unknown to many, pain causes lifestyle changes.

Untreated pain or pain not under control has a significant unfavorable impact on the sufferer’s quality of life. It affects their ability to concentrate, do their job, exercise, socialize, get a good night’s sleep, do leisure time activities, perform chores around home and have sex.

Emotional impact is also significant. Untreated pain or pain not under control makes people more depressed, irritable, listless and feeling useless and unable to cope. Overall, when pain comes under control there is significant improvement in what they can do and how they feel.

There is an exception to this. Those with severe or very severe pain still have a significantly less favorable quality of life and emotional well- being than is the case among moderate pain sufferers.

With these effects of pain on people's lives, pain relievers undeniably play a vital role. The tiny bitter pill may be the key to save lives, act as a “fire extinguisher” to control big fires, or maybe a policeman to catch a criminal. It may be too small, but the impact it has on the sufferer is too great that pain killers can indeed save lives.

In our present day society, characterized by stress and pain, these relievers can do great wonders, although sometimes, often taken for granted.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Natural Pain Relief Tricks For Childbirth

Childbirth hurts. There really isn't any other way to sugarcoat the obvious, and it doesn't make sense if you try and make it politically correct. The grim reality is that natural childbirth hurts like hell, which is why women tend to split other people's ears when giving birth. Still, the various benefits to both mother and baby when undergoing a natural childbirth process are usually enough to outweigh the consideration of pain. Any woman that decides to go for the natural birth procedure had better be prepared for the pain. Part of the preparation process for something like this is the intimate knowledge and application of a variety of natural pain relief tricks and methods.

The absence of pain killers introduced into the mother's bloodstream eliminates the chances of those medications being introduced into the baby's system. While this phenomenon is rare, it has been known to occur, leaving newborns lethargic due to the drug's effects. In the absence of these medications, one of the foremost ways for a woman to control – or at least manage – the pain of childbirth lies in one of the most basic of human actions: breathing. Breathing can be used as a natural pain relief method if done in a certain manner, which is one of the reasons for it being almost stereotypically used as advice for women during childbirth. Breathing gets more oxygen to both the mother and the baby, along with improving the mother's ability to relax through the contractions.

Movement can actually be used as a natural pain relief method. Part of the problem with the hospital setup for natural childbirth is the fact that the mother isn't allowed to move or change positions. This is because of all the monitoring equipment that generally gets attached to the mother, making sure all of her vital signs are fine and she (and the baby) are in no immediate danger. However, being able to change positions can help relieve muscle pains, while a standing position can actually make the baby's movement through the birth canal much easier, thanks to the help of gravity. Freedom of movement also helps by allowing the mother to choose the most comfortable position for her to release the baby into the world.

Massage has been known to act as a sort of natural pain relief option for women undergoing childbirth, though not all women may experience the benefits. The lower back and the shoulders are prime spots for massage if the intention is to help reduce stress and pain, particularly during labor. The relaxing effect of a good massage can also go a long way in making it easier to bear the contractions needed to get the baby out of the mother's birth canal. Some attention to the lower back can also be spared to help relieve pressure on the back muscles, though the pressure there has to be much firmer than on other areas of the body. For some women, the additional application of heat – such as water bags filled with warm, but not hot, water – can also help the muscles relax better during childbirth.

Water is perhaps one of the most natural pain relief options for childbirth available. The natural buoyancy of water can help relieve the pressure on the muscles of the lower back during labor. It can also help by giving a natural relaxing effect to the body, soothing cramped and tired muscles. It should be noted that not all hospitals can offer this option, and it may not be advisable to give birth in a natural body of water, so this might not be available to all women.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Defying Pain

Men are expected to be tough not just in the face of danger but in all circumstances. When it comes to pain tolerance, studies show that the difference in sex or gender influences pain perception: that women usually display lower pain tolerance than men. Thus, a man's higher tolerance for pain, afterall, is not an issue of machismo but has physiological basis.
Whether the mechanisms underlying this difference are hormonal, genetic or psychological, no one can tell yet. However, some researchers said that men can be more motivated to express a tolerance for pain due to masculine stereotyping, while feminine stereotyping encourages pain expression and lower pain tolerance.
Pain tolerance is the duration of pain intensity that a person is willing to endure at any given time. Tolerance for pain varies from person to person, and may even fluctuate for an individual. In addition to sex or gender, factors affecting pain tolerance also include age, race and ethnicity, motivation to endure pain, past experiences with pain, coping skills, and energy level.
There is a wrong notion that past experiences with pain increases pain tolerance. On the contrary, repeated experience with pain can make a person be aware of how severe a pain can become and how difficult it is to get a relief. That is why it is possible that someone who has repeated experiences with pain may have a higher level of anxiety and less pain tolerance.
Unrelieved pain, such as depressed immune function, decreased subcutaneous oxygenation that leads to infection, and respiratory dysfunction may produce detrimental effects. Pain management can help minimize, if not totally eliminate, enduring as much pain as possible.
Society has high regard for people whose pain tolerance exceed beyond expectations. Those who defied pain from poisonous insect stings and animal bites, as well as pain from vehicular crashes, accidents and natural disasters all have made it to the elite list of the Guiness Book of World Records.